Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Ideas for Center Pieces candle on a table..


I would like to share my idea of center piece candle for table decoration purpose...
For this u need,
1.Wine Glass
3.Floating Candle

Take the glass,clean it with clean water and wipe it dry.
Fill the wine glass with water and place the floating candle on top of the water surface

Light the candle,

and turn the lights off.. to see how beautiful it is :)

To add more beauty to your table add few shells in the water and light the candle and see it will be charming :)

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Emergency Crayon Candles :)

What should be done when power goes off and you dont have any emergency lights or Candles at home?

Check if you have any Crayons :)
Dont get astonished.. Yes i just told Crayons...
Wax Crayons are flammale and they can be used as a candle :)
Just take a Crayon remove the paper around it...if not is also fine.

Time to lit it up...
and theres your emergency candle ready...

The small sized crayon will burn for 30 mins and bigger ones for 2hrs :)
Isn't it cool? :)